Results for 'Kenneth R. White'

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  1.  27
    Berkeley: An Interpretation by Kenneth P. Winkler. [REVIEW]Alan R. White - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (4):213-215.
  2.  24
    Giles of Rome, Giles of Rome's “On Ecclesiastical Power”: A Medieval Theory of World Government, ed. and trans. R. W. Dyson. (Records of Western Civilization.) New York and Chichester: Columbia University Press, 2004. Pp. xxxiv, 406; 1 black-and-white figure. $72.50 (cloth); $32.50 (paper). [REVIEW]Kenneth Pennington - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):197-198.
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    Book Symposium on Kenneth R. Westphal’s How Hume and Kant Reconstruct Natural Law.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):197-237.
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    Kant’s Critical Epistemology: Why Epistemology Must Consider Judgment First.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2020 - New York and London: Routledge.
    This book assesses and defends Kant's Critical epistemology, and the rich yet neglected resources it provides for understanding and resolving fundamental issues regarding human experience, perceptual judgment, empirical knowledge and cognitive sciences. Kenneth Westphal first examines Kant's methods and strategies for examining human sensory-perceptual experience, and then examines Kant's central, proper, and subtle attention to judgment, and so to the humanly possible valid use of concepts and principles to judge particulars we confront. This provides a comprehensive account of Kant's (...)
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    Hegel’s Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    The scope of this study is both ambitious and modest. One of its ambitions is to reintegrate Hegel's theory of knowledge into main stream epist~ology. Hegel's views were formed in consideration of Classical Skepticism and Modern epistemology, and he frequently presupposes great familiarity with other views and the difficulties they face. Setting Hegel's discussion in the context of both traditional and contemporary epistemology is therefore necessary for correctly interpreting his issues, arguments, and views. Accordingly, this is an issues-oriented study. I (...)
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    Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground between God and Evolution.Kenneth R. Miller - 1999 - New York: Cliff Street Books.
    Focusing on the ground-breaking and often controversial science of Charles Darwin, the author seeks to bridge the gulf between science and religion on the subject of human evolution.
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    Beyond Rationality: The Search for Wisdom in a Troubled Time.Kenneth R. Hammond - 2007 - Oup Usa.
    Ken Hammond has been an influential figure in the study of decision making; with this book, he aims to show why mistaken judgments happen, how to make better decisions, and how to understand the thought modes operating in the political process.
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  8. Kant and the Capacity to Judge.Kenneth R. Westphal & Beatrice Longuenesse - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (4):645.
    Kant famously declares that “although all our cognition commences with experience, … it does not on that account all arise from experience”. This marks Kant’s disagreement with empiricism, and his contention that human knowledge and experience require both sensation and the use of certain a priori concepts, the Categories. However, this is only the surface of Kant’s much deeper, though neglected view about the nature of reason and judgment. Kant holds that even our a priori concepts are acquired, not from (...)
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    Probabilistic functioning and the clinical method.Kenneth R. Hammond - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (4):255-262.
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    Kant's Transcendental Proof of Realism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first detailed study of Kant's method of 'transcendental reflection' and its use in the Critique of Pure Reason to identify our basic human cognitive capacities, and to justify Kant's transcendental proofs of the necessary a priori conditions for the possibility of self-conscious human experience. Kenneth Westphal, in a closely argued internal critique of Kant's analysis, shows that if we take Kant's project seriously in its own terms, the result is not transcendental idealism but realism regarding (...)
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    Hegel's Phenomenological Method and Analysis of Consciousness.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–36.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Hegel's Introduction Sense Certainty Perception Force and Understanding Hegel's Epistemological Analysis in the Phenomenology of Spirit Conclusion References Further Reading.
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    Bilingual advantages in executive functioning: problems in convergent validity, discriminant validity, and the identification of the theoretical constructs.Kenneth R. Paap - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  13. The Knowledge-Learning-Instruction Framework: Bridging the Science-Practice Chasm to Enhance Robust Student Learning.Kenneth R. Koedinger, Albert T. Corbett & Charles Perfetti - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (5):757-798.
    Despite the accumulation of substantial cognitive science research relevant to education, there remains confusion and controversy in the application of research to educational practice. In support of a more systematic approach, we describe the Knowledge-Learning-Instruction (KLI) framework. KLI promotes the emergence of instructional principles of high potential for generality, while explicitly identifying constraints of and opportunities for detailed analysis of the knowledge students may acquire in courses. Drawing on research across domains of science, math, and language learning, we illustrate the (...)
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  14.  23
    How Hume and Kant Reconstruct Natural Law: Justifying Strict Objectivity Without Debating Moral Realism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kenneth R. Westphal presents an original interpretation of Hume's and Kant's moral philosophies, the differences between which are prominent in current philosophical accounts. Westphal argues that focussing on these differences, however, occludes a decisive, shared achievement: a distinctive constructivist account of the basic principles of justice which justifies their strict objectivity without invoking moral realism nor moral anti- or irrealism. Westphal explores how Hume developed a kind of constructivism for basic property rights and for government, and how Kant greatly (...)
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    Back to the 3 R’s: Rights, Responsibilities and Reasoning.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - SATS 17 (1):21-60.
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    Force, Understanding and Ontology.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2008 - Hegel Bulletin 29 (1-2):1-29.
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    Catholic Social Teaching, Economic Inequality, and American Society.Kenneth R. Himes - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (2):283-310.
    The essay begins with an explanation of the underlying theological vision that supports Catholic social teaching's commitment to the centrality of the common good and the role of solidarity as both a virtue and a norm. The vision of humanity as one family and the church as a sacrament of unity is the foundation for a communitarian ethic that prizes inclusion, participation, and relative equality in the quest for a truly just society. An array of social science studies is then (...)
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    Kant’s Dynamic Constructions.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:381-429.
    According to Kant, justifying the application of mathematics to objects in natural science requires metaphysically constructing the concept of matter. Kant develops these constructions in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (MAdN). Kant’s specific aim is to develop a dynamic theory of matter to replace corpuscular theory. In his Preface Kant claims completely to exhaust the metaphysical doctrine of body, but in the General Remark to MAdN ch. 2, “Dynamics,” Kant admits that once matter is reconceived as basic forces, it (...)
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    The Loveden Man.Kenneth R. Fennell - 1969 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 3 (1):211-215.
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  20. Kant, Hegel and our fate as zoôn politikon.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2020 - In James Gledhill & Sebastian Stein (eds.), Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy: Beyond Kantian Constructivism. New York: Routledge.
  21.  23
    Hegel’s Civic Republicanism: Integrating Natural Law with Kant’s Moral Constructivism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book, Westphal offers an original interpretation of Hegel's moral philosophy. Building on his previous study of the role of natural law in Hume's and Kant's accounts of justice, Westphal argues that Hegel developed and justified a robust form of civic republicanism. Westphal identifies, for the first time, the proper genre to which Hegel's Philosophical Outlines of Justice belongs and to which it so prodigiously contributes, which he calls Natural Law Constructivism, an approach developed by Hume, Rousseau, Kant, and (...)
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  22. Proving Realism Transcendentally.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (4):737-750.
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    Educational Responsibilities of Philosophers – SATS Special Issue: Introduction.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2023 - SATS 24 (1):1-12.
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    Autonomy, Enlightenment, Justice, Peace – and the Precarities of Reasoning Publically.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):725-758.
    The First World War was supposed to end all wars, though soon followed WWII. Since 1945 wars continued to abound; now we confront a real prospect of a third world war. Many armed struggles and wars arise in attempts to end repressive government; still more are fomented by repressive governments, few of which acknowledge their repressive character. It is historically and culturally naive to suppose that peace is normal, and war an aberration; war, preparations for war and threats of war (...)
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    Stephen Pepper's Ethical Empiricism and the Myth of Analytic Naturalism.Kenneth R. Pahel - 1967 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):48-58.
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    Does Kant’s opus postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 357-384.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late opus postumum (§2), Hegel’s critical (...)
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  27.  10
    School Choice Down in the Cave.Kenneth R. Howe - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:221-224.
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    Concepts, categories, and epistemology.Kenneth R. Livingston - 1989 - Philosophia 19 (2):265-300.
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    Kant’s Two Models of Human Actions.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):17-32.
    Despite extensive examination of Kant’s Transcendental Idealist account of freedom of action, an important question has been neglected about why and how Kant can use two distinct models of human action when considering any particular human act. The present paper examines and answers this question, revealing neglected yet important points about Kant’s account of action and its understanding and assessment.
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    Autonomy, Freedom & Embodiment: Hegel's Critique of Contemporary Biologism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2014 - Hegel Bulletin 35 (1):56-83.
    The apparent implications of the latest findings of the life sciences for our freedom and autonomy are both exciting and controversial: They undermine a common view of human freedom: a fundamentally Cartesian view. A superior account of our freedom was developed by Kant and Hegel. Key features of Hegel's account show that we can expect from the life sciences further insights into the biological basis of our freedom and autonomy, but not their repudiation. I begin with basic features of Cartesian (...)
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    2 Transcendental Reflections on Pragmatic Realism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1998 - In Pragmatism, Reason, and Norms: A Realistic Assessment. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 17-58.
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    Explaining “virtuoso” hypnotic performance: Social psychology or experiential skill?Kenneth R. Graham - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):473-474.
  33.  53
    Kant, Hegel, and the Transcendental Material Conditions of Possible Experience.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (1):23-41.
    I argue that Hegel is aware of a crucial problem in Kant’s transcendental account of the conditions of human knowledge. Unless the matter of sensation is sufficiently ordered (and sufficiently varied) we could not make any cognitive judgments. In that case we could not distinguish ourselves from objects we know, and so could not be self-conscious. This is a necessary, formal and transcendental condition of possible human experience. However, it is also (as Kant acknowledged) a material – not a conceptual (...)
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    ‘Hegel’s Epistemology? Reflections on Some Recent Expositions’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 28 (3):303-323.
    The notion that Hegel repudiated epistemology has had dire consequences for our understanding of Hegel. By disregarding epistemology, Hegel’s expositors often disregarded the general issues central to epistemology of how one can establish or justify a philosophical view. If Hegel did address epistemological issues and tried to justify (not simply to expound) ‘absolute knowledge’, then that disregard would produce skewed interpretations of Hegel. Recent attention to Hegel’s epistemology (e.g., by Klaus Hartmann, Joseph Flay, Robert Pippin, Michael Forster, Terry Pinkard, and (...)
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    The question of education science: Experimentism versus experimentalism.Kenneth R. Howe - 2005 - Educational Theory 55 (3):307-321.
    The ascendant view in the current debate about education science —experimentism— is a reassertion of the randomized experiment as the methodological gold standard. Advocates of this view have ignored, not answered, long‐standing criticisms of the randomized experiment: its frequent impracticality, its lack of external validity, its confinement to a regularity conception of causality, and its externalization of politics. This article rehearses these criticisms and then adumbrates the alternative of experimentalism. In contrast to experimentism, experimentalism is expansive and variegated in its (...)
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  36. Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics.Kenneth R. Valpey - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This Open Access book provides both a broad perspective and a focused examination of cow care as a subject of widespread ethical concern in India, and increasingly in other parts of the world. In the face of what has persisted as a highly charged political issue over cow protection in India, intellectual space must be made to bring the wealth of Indian traditional ethical discourse to bear on the realities of current human-animal relationships, particularly those of humans with cows. Dharma, (...)
  37. Kant, Causal Judgment & Locating the Purloined Letter.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:42-78.
    Kant’s account of cognitive judgment is sophisticated, sound and philosophically far more illuminating than is often appreciated. Key features of Kant’s account of cognitive judgment are widely dispersed amongst various sections of the Critique of Pure Reason, whilst common philosophical proclivities have confounded these interpretive difficulties. This paper characterises Kant’s account of causal-perceptual judgment concisely to highlight one central philosophical achievement: Kant’s finding that, to understand and investigate empirical knowledge we must distinguish between predication as a grammatical form of sentences, (...)
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    Some Replies to Remarks and Queries by Professor Parrini, Students and Members of the Audience.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2015 - Esercizi Filosofici 10 (1).
    Concise replies to remarks and queries by Paolo Parrini, and by students andmembers of the audience regarding the topics indicated by the above mentioned keywords.
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    The Meritocratic Conception of Educational Equality: Ideal Theory Run Amuck.Kenneth R. Howe - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (2):183-201.
    The dominant conception of educational equality in the United States is meritocratic: an individual's chances of educational achievements should track only talent and effort, not social class or other morally irrelevant factors. The meritocratic conception must presuppose that natural talent and effort can be isolated from social class — and environmental factors in general — if it is to provide guidance in the world of educational policy and practice. In this article Kenneth R. Howe challenges that presupposition and related (...)
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  40. Kant, Wittgenstein, and Transcendental Chaos.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2005 - Philosophical Investigations 28 (4):303–323.
    Explicates and defends closely parallel, genuinely transcendental proofs of mental content externalism developed by Kant and by Wittgenstein. Both their proofs have been widely neglected, to our loss.
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    How Kant Justifies Freedom of Agency.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1695-1717.
    This paper argues that the problem of the apparent conflict between freedom of action and natural causal determinism has not been properly framed, because the key premiss—the thesis of universal causal determinism—is, in the domain of human behaviour, an unjustified conjecture based on over-simplified, under-informed explanatory models. Kant's semantics of singular cognitive reference, which stands independently of his Transcendental Idealism, justifies and emphasises a quadruple distinction between causal description, causal ascription, true causal ascription and cognitively justified causal ascription. Contemporary causal (...)
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  42. Identifying and justifying moral norms : necessary basics.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2017 - In Patrick Capps & Shaun D. Pattinson (eds.), Ethical rationalism and the law. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Is Hegel's Phenomenology Relevant to Contemporary Epistemology?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2000 - Hegel Bulletin 21 (1-2):43-85.
    Hegel has been widely, though erroneously, supposed to have rejected epistemology in favor of unbridled metaphysical speculation. Reputation notwithstanding, Hegel was a very sophisticated epistemologist, whose views have gone unrecognized because they are so innovative, indeed prescient. Hence I shall boldly state: Hegel's epistemology is of great contemporary importance. In part, this is because many problems now current in epistemology are problems Hegel addressed. In part, this is because of the unexpected effectiveness of Russell's 1922 exhortation, “I should take ‘back (...)
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  44. Nietzsche on Truth and Knowledge.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1986 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    Four themes are central to the tension in Nietzsche's writings between skepticism and 'cognitivism,' the view that there are knowable empirical truths. These are his claims on behalf of truth and knowledge, his skepticism, his view of language, and his 'perspectivism.' I argue that none of his commentators has fully resolved this tension, and that a proper resolution of this tension must render his cognitive claims as claims to know truths about the world--without dismissing his radical claims about language or (...)
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    Pragmatism, Reason, and Norms: A Realistic Assessment.Kenneth R. Westphal (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This collection of essays examines the issue of norms and social practices both in epistemology and in moral and social philosophy. The contributors examine the issue across an unprecedented range of issues, including epistemology (realism, perception, testimony), logic, education, foundations of morality, philosophy of law, the pragmatic account of norms and their justification, and the pragmatic character of reason itself.
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    Left/right, up/down: The role of endogenous electrical fields as directional signals in development, repair and invasion.Kenneth R. Robinson & Mark A. Messerli - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (8):759-766.
    A fundamental aspect of biological systems is their spatial organization. In development, regeneration and repair, directional signals are necessary for the proper placement of the components of the organism. Likewise, pathogens that invade other organisms rely on directional signals to target vulnerable areas. It is widely understood that chemical gradients are important directional signals in living systems. Less well recognized are electrical fields, which can also provide directional information. Small, steady electrical fields can directly guide cell movement and growth and (...)
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  47. Modern moral epistemology.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2018 - In Aaron Zimmerman, Karen Jones & Mark Timmons (eds.), Routledge Handbook on Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
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  48. (1 other version)Angular homeostasis: III. The formalism of discrete orbits in ontogeny.Kenneth R. Berger & Edmond A. Murphy - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (4).
    The formal properties of orbits in a plane are explored by elementary topology. The notions developed from first principles include: convex and polygonal orbits; convexity; orientation, winding number and interior; convex and star-shaped regions. It is shown that an orbit that is convex with respect to each of its interior points bounds a convex region. Also, an orbit that is convex with respect to a fixed point bounds a star-shaped region.Biological considerations that directed interest to these patterns are indicated, and (...)
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    The Trust Model of Children’s Rights.Kenneth R. Pike - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (2):219-237.
    Is parental control over children best understood in terms of trusteeship or similar fiduciary obligations? This essay contemplates the elements of legal trusts and fiduciarity as they might relate to the moral relationship between children and parents. Though many accounts of upbringing advocate parent-child relationship models with structural resemblance to trust-like relationships, it is unclear who grants moral trusts, how trustees are actually selected, or how to identify proper beneficiaries. By considering these and other classical elements of relationships of trust, (...)
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    Faith in Internationalism: Covid-19 and the International Order.Kenneth R. Ross - 2020 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 37 (4):276-285.
    One inescapable feature of the Covid-19 pandemic that has swept the world in 2020 is that it has shown how inter-connected and inter-dependent is the human community. It was soon apparent that the spread of the coronavirus was a global crisis calling for a global response. Yet the human community had to meet the pandemic after a period of systematic weakening of agencies of international cooperation as populist and nationalist political movements gained control of nation after nation. This put the (...)
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